Stokes Williams
Foundation, Inc.

of teaching, promoting &
academic excellence

Foundation Today

Help Us Change Lives
one contribution at a time

raised by 20 people in 7 days

volunteers are available to help you
A child's mind is not a container to be filled but rather a fire to be kindled.
Dorothea Brande
, Educator
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill
, Prime Minister
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek.
Barack Obama
, Former President

Our Current Goals For Thomas Jefferson Elementary/Middle School
The PLSW Foundation, Inc. is currently mission driven and laser focused on the ambitious goal of a complete makeover for the Thomas Jefferson Elementary/Middle School Library to include 10,000 books; book cases, new smart technology (i.e.; e-readers, smart boards, computers, software, etc.); furniture, and overall 21st century usable space to provide and support tutoring, book reading clubs and student learning initiatives and opportunities. We would greatly appreciate your support in achieving these goals.

10,000 Books

Smart Technology

School Library Makeover

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